
Announcing the shutdown of Midwest Server

Over the course of the week we were migrating to a new system, so Midwest (Northern Lights) has been chopped. Cascadingly, its build config (Labrador Retriever 1) has also been chopped. They are both deleted. This is due to a migration to S3 and a new persistence system for all regions; which NL was deemed redundant as US-East-1 was released, and we will release west if we can. Europe is still in-operation, as that was not redundant. I might bring it back if midwest players start lagging on US-East.

-Pups (Admin/Developer Lead)

Game Updates

Update on Launcher

Redo on the upload, current link will 404.


-Pups (Admin/Dev)


This is Pups with an important public announcement

I have released the launcher for the time being, it may say it’s malware but it is not. It’s a false positive due to me not signing it. That is all. I encourage criticism on my work. It was years of love. Feedback = Love! Give me all the feedback!.

-Pups (Admin/Dev)